Category Archives: Social Media

How to manage Google reviews

Google is shaking things up yet again. Reviews from sites like Facebook and Yelp will now be displayed in search results with well-placed keywords and…

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Which social media platform is best for you?

Finding the right channel to promote one’s business is a growing challenge in the digital age, with social media acting as an indispensable business tool….

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How to boost your SMB’s social media presence

Small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) nowadays are more competitive than ever. As an SMB owner, you’re probably constantly looking for ways to boost your social…

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How do I create an effective Facebook ad?

Facebook has uses that go way beyond posting cat photos, complaining about restaurants, or stalking your ex — it’s also an incredibly effective advertising platform….

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7 ways to more retweets

It can be discouraging for any business to post a thoughtful tweet in the morning just to see that it barely has any retweets by…

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5 ways you could blow your online reputation

As a small business owner, you’ve probably used social media to establish a connection with your customers and share stories that will shine a positive…

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The right social media platform for your SMB

Facebook leads all social media platforms in terms of daily active users, audience reach, and cultural impact, but is it the best fit for your…

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Don’t let negative reviews ruin your brand

Negative reviews on sites like Yelp, Trip Advisor, and Ripoff Report will damage your brand’s online presence . So how can you protect your company…

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6 tips for SMB Facebook pages

Facebook isn’t worth over $480 billion because people use it for just selfies and political rants. Businesses of all sizes and from all industries are…

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Market your business effectively with Twitter

If you understand how Twitter works, it might do wonders for your business. How can you drive traffic and build your brand using Twitter? With…

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Are you maximizing your social media potential?

Social media as a component of marketing is continuously growing its own significant heartbeat in the industry — so much so that many businesses nowadays…

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How to make buyers out of Instagram followers

Instagram has become one of the most popular social networks to date. One billion active users consume its image-heavy content every day. Aside from it…

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